Celebrity News

Woman claims Al Gore sexually abused her

An Oregon masseuse filed a police statement accusing Al Gore of sexual “abuse” that left her traumatized after a nearly three-hour, $540 massage session, according to a bombshell new report.

The alleged incident took place at an upscale hotel in Portland in October 2006 while the former vice president, now 62, was in town to talk about climate change.

The woman also claimed she even saved pants she wore the night of the encounter after noticing suspicious stains on the garment, a police report noted.



The sensational allegations by the 54-year-old auburn-haired woman had been kept under wraps for years, but were uncovered by the National Enquirer in the wake of Gore’s recent split from wife Tipper.

Tipper had previously complained about her husband’s trips to massage therapists and reportedly suspected he may have been involved with one.

The woman’s lawyer first told Portland cops in December 2006 that she wanted to report “unwanted sexual contact” by Gore the previous Oct. 24. But she blew off police interviews.

On Jan. 6, 2009, however, she decided to file a complaint, alleging that Gore — who signed into the hotel as “Mr. Stone” — repeatedly subjected her to unwanted sexual touching.

“I finally got out the door after being forcefully being pulled back in the room . . . a couple times and trying to leave, to be groped and fondled and have tongue kisses forced on me. . . . and that’s when he’s saying, ‘You know you want to do it.’ And I was just thinking, ‘Oh my God.’ ”

She said Gore was so persistent, she derided him for “being a crazed sex poodle.”

The Enquirer reported that, according to hotel documents it has seen, Gore ordered up a 90-minute “therapeutic massage” at Hotel Lucia after 11 p.m. on Oct. 24, 2006.

That session was followed by a 75-minute “shin do session,” which incorporates accupressure.

The woman said she was so traumatized by the encounter that “. . . my sleep and mood has been vastly disturbed,” that she’s “seeing a specialized counselor . . .” and that her “work has been more stressful and frightening for me since this incident.”

A Portland police spokeswoman said the woman contacted detectives this month and said she was taking her case to the media. Gore declined to comment last night.