Celebrity News

Katie Couric ‘curious’ about Spitzer’s CNN show

As disgraced former Gov. Eliot Spitzer signed on with CNN, Katie Couric was lecturing graduating students on integrity. The CBS anchor gave the commencement address at Brooklyn’s Edward R. Murrow School after student Julia Peleaz, whose father, Louie, works in the CBS computer department, wrote and asked her to speak.


Couric told us, “I talked a lot about [TV news legend] Murrow, and I used him as an example of integrity and the importance of having integrity in your life. I talked about timeless values . . . the importance of hard work, perseverance, resilience and being nice to people.” Of Spitzer, she said, “I think it’s an interesting choice. I’ll be curious. I think Kathleen Parker is very smart and interesting and Eliot Spitzer is very smart and interesting. I’ll be interested to see how it goes. I am sure there’ll be plenty of people judging him. I don’t need to be added to the chorus at this point.”