Sen. Chuck Schumer had a near-miss with two scooter riders Sunday morning when he arrived on the Upper West Side to hold a press conference. According to the passenger on the scooter, the motorbike was cruising down West 75th Street past a double-parked black sedan surrounded by reporters and photographers. “Suddenly, the person in the passenger seat flings open his door into the middle of the street, and we almost crash into it,” said the passenger. “We didn’t know who it was, so we start screaming and reprimanding him — with all the reporters looking on — that he needs to be more careful . . . Then we realized it was a sheepish Schumer.” Nobody was hurt, and Schumer soon unveiled a bill to prevent sex offenders from becoming superintendents or managers in apartment buildings. “The senator didn’t see [the scooter] and said ‘Excuse me’ as soon as he noticed it,” said Schumer spokesman Josh Vlasto.