Richard Johnson

Richard Johnson

Celebrity News

The funeral for a Warhol star who later converted to Mormonism

Half the mourners knew the departed as Ultra Violet, the Andy Warhol superstar. The other half knew her as Sister Isabelle Collin Dufresne, the convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a k a Mormons.

“It was bizarre,” said one attendee at the funeral Wednesday at the Mormon Chapel on East 87th Street.

Ultra Violet in 1971Getty Images

The eclectic crowd, including director Joel Schumacher, learned that the first person Dufresne met when she arrived in New York from France was Salvador Dali, who then introduced her to Warhol at a tea in 1964.

“You are so beautiful. You should be in one of my movies,” Warhol said. “Sure, when?” she replied. “Tomorrow,” said Warhol.

Dufresne went to the Factory the next day. She ultimately appeared in 17 movies before a New York Post reporter brought her to a Mormon church and she converted, renouncing Godless hedonism and embracing Jesus.