Celebrity News

Flacks say Shannon Briggs owes big $

Boxer Shannon Briggs is a lightweight when it comes to paying bills, two publicists claim — but he says they’re crazy.

The flacks say the two-time former world heavyweight champ stiffed them on nearly $40,000 for their services — and that he responded with threatening, racist text messages when they tried to get him to pay up.

One publicist, Kali Bowyer, tells Page Six that she and Briggs agreed to a contract for her to do publicity for him as well as some writing work. “He owes me $17,000 at this point,” she says. “He kept saying that the money was coming, and I kept waiting and waiting, and it never did.”

Bowyer claims that she stopped trying to contact Briggs after he started harassing her via phone. “He’d call up and start yelling,” she told us. One text from Briggs to Bowyer reads, “I hope Al-Qaeda kidnap your [sic] fat ass. You hang out with terrorists . . . Your [sic] all terrorists.”

Meanwhile, publicist Ivy Supersonic claims the fighter agreed last March to pay her $5,000 a month, but that she’s yet to see a dime. “He owes me $20,000 at this point,” she says. “Now he’s refusing to pay, and is threatening to beat me up. I’m 95 pounds. He’s 285 pounds. It’s scary.”

Still, both women have questionable incidents in their pasts. Bowyer once falsely accused Chris Rock of being the father of her child, while Supersonic was taken to Bellevue in July after acting erratically in Union Square.

Briggs responded to us, “That’s hilarious. I don’t owe anyone any money,” before hanging up. He’s scheduled to appear on the season premiere of ESPN’s “Friday Night Fights” on Jan. 8. The Post reported last week that he’s slated to begin a career in mixed martial arts as well.