Celebrity News

Neighbors: ‘Living with Amanda Bynes is like living with Linda Blair in ‘The Exorcist”

Neighbors in Amanda Bynes’ apartment building describe living with the wigged-out starlet as “like living with Linda Blair in ‘The Exorcist.’ ” One told us, “She stares you out in the elevator. Residents are terrified to be alone with her. She knocked on one woman’s door, and when it opened, she screamed ‘You’re ugly,’ and ran away. Amanda always seems to be alone, muttering to herself and looking completely out of it.” The resident said management as well as neighbors in Bynes’ West 47th Street building are fed up with her antics in the lobby, elevators and public corridors. The source added, “The day before her arrest, she arrived in a cab and ran upstairs, leaving the driver shrieking that she owed him $150. She left her cellphone in the cab. The good news is, she hasn’t been seen in the building since her arrest.” Bynes was charged last week with reckless endangerment after allegedly throwing a bong out of her window. Despite all the drama and the comparison to Blair’s performance as a devil-possessed child, her lawyer Lee Hutton said, “Amanda’s fine. This has all been blown out of proportion.” Her father, Rick Bynes, is reportedly trying to stage an intervention, but she refuses to see him or talk to him. Bynes, spotted wandering around in Buffalo yesterday, herself tweeted, “I’m not crazy.”