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Tennessee Williams’ death myth

There was a compassionate cover-up in the 1983 death of Tennessee Williams, says his friend, playwright Larry Myers. “Williams did not choke on a nasal spray cap lodged in his windpipe as reported then,” Myers told us. But, “No booze, no AIDS, no suicide, no murder — what media hungered for! ‘Acute Seconal intolerance’ is what the autopsy report reveals. This has never been reported,” he said. John Uecker, who found Williams dead in his room at the Hotel Elysee and assembled his last play, “Masks Outrageous & Austere,” said, “Williams had become intolerant to almost everything, lost weight, and couldn’t digest properly, but was extremely lucid.” Myers adds, “Williams was writing and rewriting up until the day he died.” Williams’ Key West companion Scott Kenan says someone in the office of the city coro ner “created the bottle-cap scenario.”