Celebrity News

Shocking Taylor Armstrong black eye photos

In a series of shocking new photos, “Housewife” Taylor Armstrong revealed the physical abuse her now-dead husband put her through when they were married.

Armstrong is seen lying in a hospital bed with a black eye, according to Entertainment Tonight.

Russell Taylor allegedly punched her in the right eye so hard that she was taken to a Los Angeles hospital and had to have plastic surgery to fix it.

Taylor recently gave the television show the photos that show her with a black and blue eye with a cut near her eyebrow.

Entertainment Tonight said it will air the photos tonight.

Armstrong, 47, the condescending and callous hubby of “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” star Taylor Armstrong, 40, was found dead Aug. 15 after he hanged himself in a friend’s Los Angeles home.

Armstrong became known to fans of the show for his sullen, sour attitude towards his TV-star wife — fighting and belittling her on camera, abandoning her at parties and undermining her at every opportunity — especially in front of their daughter Kennedy.