Coming are Passover, Easter, Mother’s Day, Memorial weekend, June weddings, July 4 picnics. Big-time foodtime. Chef Mario Batali, who features orange Crocs and an orange pigtail, who began as a dishwasher and today owns Del Posto and multiple global restaurants, says:

“Nowadays, somebody’s vegan, or dieting, or no salt, no flour, no carbs, no gluten. There weren’t such allergies when we were kids. Our grandparents ate homemade. Today, everything’s processed. Things we eat are stuffed with hormones and medicines. We’re even now on the edge of wheat variations.

“Our organisms are reacting. Our bodies are intolerant. I’m seeing puberty starting at 10. Kids grow underarm hair earlier than before.

“Get away from anything processed. Fast meals are a sickness. Stop buying pre-made edibles. What’s organic is not touched by mechanics, factories or giant companies.

“Shop at greenhouses who farm in Jersey or upstate’s Hudson River area. Water and soil intermingle. Eat more veggies — romaine, cucumbers, end-of-winter greens. Cabbage, rutabaga, turnips that grow underground. Shave with a knife. Toss with lemon, vinegar, grapefruit juice, virgin oil. Eat local apples.

“Go outside the box. Use a butcher that doesn’t sell growth hormones. Get alternative cuts. Smaller portions. Buy 4 ounces, not 32. Try whole wheat or hard Italian pasta. Easy on sauce. Dress with zucchini, mint or oil and garlic, like in Italy. Try healthy juices. Eat seasonally — NOT raspberries at Christmas.

“High-calorie foods cost more. Big Mac, shake, fries is 1,400 calories. All we need a day is 1,800. One hour later, you’re hungry again. Carbs, flour, sugar are your least nutritional. Processed garbage slows your system down.

“And cut out eating when you’re not hungry.”

Stones tome a cautionary tale

How about this for timing? I’ve got an advance copy of “Ain’t It Time We Said Goodbye: The Rolling Stones on the Road to Exile.”

Chapter 1 reports fewer “screaming hordes of fans” and “no longer attracting the same attention.” It’s Mick’s “jaded rock-star” life, Keith Richards’ heroin struggles, their tax exile, “seething tensions” and the “exacting toll rock-star life takes on everyone close to it.”

By journalist Robert Greenfield, who accompanied them on tour, pub date’s May 13.

Family feud

Sturm und Drang in what’s left of Mickey Rooney’s camp. Estranged wife Jan, her son, his people, her sister, friends, lawyers, everyone squabbling. One side forbids the others at the funeral. One side preventing another side from access to say goodbye to him. Let whoever, whichever, whatever creep forth to refute what I’m saying. He was my husband’s friend. I KNOW what I know.

Trumped up

Between Billy Crystal and Rosanna Scotto at Monday’s winning Yankee game opener, Donald and Melania. Donald: “You believe my ‘Apprentice’ show after all these years is still going strong? And remember when you introduced me to my first Miss Universe winner and today I own the pageant? Also, how about my . . .” And all I’d said was, “Hi.”

Scam ring

Watch. Everybody watch. A new scam’s around. Phoners saying they’re computer specialists, a problem’s on your line they’re about to fix and requesting personal information “to confirm you’re the correct individual.” Be aware.

P.R. specialist Maury Rogoff, eyeing Chinese artist Xu Bing’s sculptures above the Cathedral of St. John the Divine nave, spied three painted metal signs in heavy-duty aulde Englishe font hanging on the Cathedral’s Amsterdam Avenue fence side. 1: “Hold close thy loved. Please keep dogs on a leash.” 2: “Collect what you receive. Please clean up after your dog.” And 3: “Thou shalt not poop. Please keep dogs off grass.”

Only in New York, kids, only in New York can fancy font turn “poop” religious.