Style icon Iris Apfel doesn’t shop much anymore — instead, she donates pieces to places like the Peabody Essex Museum in Massachusetts. But she admits buying clothes is hard for older women. “The whole fashion business is wacky because this age group of women between 65 and 80 control so much money, they have all this expendable income. You go shopping and there is nothing to buy. You’re not supposed to buy widow’s weeds when you get older and you don’t want to look like a silly young chippy. It’s difficult,” she told the crowd at Sotheby’s on Wednesday during Hearst Design Group’s “The Best Of” lecture series benefiting the Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club. The No. 1 question the nonagenarian hears is where to find dresses with sleeves. “This year, fortunately, I’m told there are a few dresses on the market with sleeves. I used to say, if I had the time I would open a shop on Madison Avenue called Sleeves.” She added getting older is great because, “You don’t have to worry about how you look in a bikini.”