Celebrity News

Restaurant pulls SeaWorld party with live penguins after outcry

Posh New York restaurant Bagatelle has pulled the plug on an event for SeaWorld with live penguins after pressure from PETA.

The party, celebrating the water park’s 50th anniversary and scheduled for Tuesday night, was set to feature two live penguins, Pete and Penny.

The Meatpacking restaurant received numerous calls, tweets, Facebook posts and emails from angry animal activists and PETA planned to protest outside the restaurant. ‘I heard that you’re having a SeaWorld event at your NYC branch with LIVE penguins on display? Well, I Will NEVER set foot in your door again!” read one Facebook post.”I don’t support SeaWorld and now I don’t support your restaurant,” said another. “Watch Blackfish.”

Bagatelle owners have canceled the event and have said they did not know live animals were planned because it was booked by a third party.

“Tonight’s event has been cancelled, and Bagatelle will be open for business as usual this evening. We are accepting reservations for guests and will be open during regular business hours,” they said in a statement.

PETA says on their site, “The SeaWorld’s planned event would have caused penguins tremendous stress both during transport to the venue and while surrounded by loud music and noisy party guests. The event would have also promoted SeaWorld’s abuse of orcas, whom it locks up in glorified bathtubs, where they understandably are frustrated by the constant deprivation and confinement.”

Concluding, “Bagatelle has done the right thing and cut ties with SeaWorld. Now tell Southwest Airlines to make the same compassionate decision and end its partnership with the “amusement” park.”

SeaWorld said in a statement to DNAinfo: “The reception has been cancelled. This is the right thing to do out of concern for our friends, guests and patrons who planned to attend.”

Adding, “Such public appearances do not cause stress as suggested. It’s disappointing that PETA and other animal rights activist groups, which have no relevant experience with these animals, would make up baseless facts to advance extreme and uninformed agendas.”