Lindsay Lohan has teamed up with mom Dina to threaten “loose cannon” dad Michael with jail over his outbursts that Lindsay is killing herself with drugs.

Dina says Lindsay is applying for a restraining order following Michael’s statement that he wanted to kidnap her and force her into rehab. And Dina, who claims the family is afraid of him, is ready to send her ex to jail for nonpayment of child support.

Following reports that Michael plans to go on TV and play her phone messages about Lindsay, Dina told Page Six: “He’s getting a cease-and-desist letter [from us], so that’s not going to happen. If it’s something personal about your child, you don’t go public with it.”

“He is hurting Lindsay. It breaks my heart. She’s like, ‘Mommy, when is he ever going to stop?’ ” Dina said.

“He is also six months behind in his child support. On Monday, we will file a violation order, and if he doesn’t pay, he’ll go to jail.

“He’s getting paid for these shows he’s doing talking about Lindsay,” Dina said. “He’s flying all over the country and not paying for his other three children he’s hurting every time he goes on television.

“It is horrific that a father could do this. We are afraid he’s spiraling out of control. [Daughter] Ali is scared and will be getting an order of protection. Lindsay is getting an order in California and in New York.

“He’s desperate, he’s running out of options because none of his children is talking to him. Doors are closing for him, and he’s getting a little nervous, which makes us nervous. We’re scared.

“But I believe in karma, and his leash is getting tighter,” Dina said. “He just needs to zip his mouth.”

Michael and his lawyer, Anthony Grandinette, did not return calls for comment.