Celebrity News

‘Passage’ back to strip pole

Looks like disgraced financier Ken Starr‘s wife, Diane Passage, is going back to work — she hopes as a pole-dancing reality-TV star. With celebrity scammer Starr facing up to 12 years in prison for money laundering, his companies in bankruptcy and their bank accounts frozen, raven-haired and ample-charmed former Scores dancer Diane auditioned yesterday for an untitled reality show planned by production company KPI. A rep for Scores Media Group confirmed, “We auditioned 40 girls today. One was Diane, but there are only five spots on the show, which is about life behind the velvet curtain. We were auditioning girls who currently or formerly worked for Scores. If Diane gets the role, she’d have to work at Scores New York. They’ll be filmed at work, but there will be no nudity. There will also be footage of the girls going about their daily lives.” Passage said, “I was at Scores this afternoon, but I can’t comment on the project or my involvement at this point.”