Celebrity News

WATCH: Stephen Colbert invades ‘Good Morning America’

Stephen Colbert thinks he would be a more fun moderator for the presidential debate tomorrow than PBS anchor Jim Lehrer.

“I would make them shoot rock-paper-scissors to see who gets the first question, because that’s fair,” said Colbert of his technique for moderating an Obama-Romney debate if he’d been asked to host.

Colbert dropped by ABC’s “Good Morning America” this morning and told George Stephanopoulos that Lehrer is “the most boring man in news.” The Comedy Central host added that he would ask candidates Obama and Romney whether they wear “boxers or briefs.”

Colbert also had a prediction for the upcoming debate between his network colleague Jon Stewart and Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, saying that Stewart will, in the tradition of fictional cannibal Dr. Hannibal Lecter, “eat Bill O’Reilly’s liver with some fava beans… and nice Chianti.”

Colbert was on the show boosting his new book, “America Again: Re-Becoming The Greatness We Never Weren’t.”