Celebrity News

WATCH: Letterman grills Kim K on Humphries divorce

David Letterman couldn’t resist asking Kim Kardashian the question we’re all wondering – why she still married to Kris Humphries, her husband of 72-days?

Letterman prefaced the grilling with “It’s none of my business” but the attention-loving starlet didn’t seem to mind.

“I’ve been trying for almost two years now to wrap it up, but, you know, it’s hard,” she said.

As the Kim-Kris legal separation hovers around a ludicrous 450 days, the talk show host kept pressing her for details.

“He is suing me for an annulment based on the fact that I frauded him into marrying [me] for publicity,” she explained.

Sister Kourtney, who appeared alongside the pregnant reality star, doesn’t accept this explanation: “I think if she was gonna do it for publicity, she’d pick someone that people knew.”


Kim, who is dating rapper/baby daddy Kanye West, really wants to be legally single again.

She told radio show Sway in the Morning on Tuesday that “in a perfect world, of course I would love to be divorced.”

She added, “[The marriage] is going on its second year, and that’s really tough because I want to move on. I really want to move on with my life.”