Celebrity News

Christine Quinn compares Weiner & Spitzer to Kardashians

Christine Quinn said having Anthony Weiner and Eliot Spitzer on the campaign trail has given a “Kardashian-like atmosphere” to the race. Speaking at a fund-raising dinner Saturday night at the Sagaponack home of Jonathan Sheffer, attended by Calvin Klein, Aby Rosen, Samantha Boardman, R. Couri Hay and Roberta Kaplan, the lawyer who argued Edith Windsor’s successful challenge to DOMA, Quinn said, “It is a race about second chances, but you have to consider if certain people deserve second chances.” She described Weiner as “pithy and effective on the stump, but what is his record?” She added that voters did not have an issue with her sexuality, and referring to her wife, Kim, concluded, “Isn’t it odd that Kim and I are the normal ones in this race?”