Two of my friends arrived in Nairobi as the horrifying massacre was unfolding.

We are in touch constantly. Text, e-mail, cell, computer. They phoned upon arrival. Mindful of India’s Mumbai shootout, told to cancel the hotel rooms, their well-connected family on the ground moved them into a private home.

“Panicked . . . bordering on hysteria,” they’re safe. I temporarily shield names, airplane times, professions, locations and the family’s business.

They report:

“Landing was scary. Chaotic. Guards, four with weapons, met us and got us out. Leaving the terminal, scared to death, we were led through hundreds of screaming people pushing to get in.

“Security’s tight. Without a confirmed Kenya visa or paid tickets, Nairobi police keep you waiting for hours. It’s terrifying.

“The mall was jam-packed with shoppers, tourists, women, children, including literary people there for ‘Four Days of Story Telling,’ the Storymoja Hay Poet’s Conference, when the sound of automatic weapons began.

“Mass hysteria. Couldn’t tell bad guys from good guys. Bodies dropping everywhere. Hundreds ran for cover into stores or toward exits.

“The crime scene is appalling. Bloodshed at the site. Horrific.

“Tanks surround the place. Nairobi police, not knowing exactly where all shooters are other than 10 to 15 holed up on the third floor, are not rushing the mall.

“It’s unsure where hostages are or how many. Now a major military operation, help’s come from Kenyan allies — Britain, the US and Israel’s Mossad counseling Kenyan military on how to end this.

“Store by store, Kenyan military’s searching for shooters or victims hiding. As they go through, they explode a flash grenade meant only to daze. The shop, then cleared, is closed up.

“Both sides are still consistently shooting. Because structural designs for the mall don’t exist, the military can’t figure out locations for the various communications systems.

“Not every terrorist was inside. Many, in a truck, scattered throughout Nairobi. Several were caught at the airport trying to fly out.

“Terrorists, committed to dying, don’t care if they die. They’re martyrs who ordinarily kill hostages after 24 hours.

“Since this isn’t happening, it therefore seems this group’s biding time. Like another incident could happen.

“We are moving to a small hotel in the city outskirts, away from the center. It’s gated. Lots of security. They carry guns, check arriving vehicles, open trunks. We’re safer here because this place would not be targeted. Big hotels nearer the mall are to be avoided.

“Just now big explosions and fires are coming out of the mall, but no idea if they’re from military or terrorists.

“This attack, in retaliation for Kenyan government’s involvement in Somalia, was expected, but when or where it would happen wasn’t identified.

“Since August, locals figured one of three places and chatter indicated the mall was high-risk. Al-Shabab has been promising it for over a year.

“A friend, in the building next door to the mall when this happened, is helping with the wounded and their families. His companion was killed.

“Nairobi’s Keystone Kops missed an opportunity. Professionals are saying such an action need be handled in an hour.

“Lose more than one hour, you lose more people.

“Incidentally, President Uhuru Kenyatta plus his VP were indicted for corruption months ago. He’s saying his country now needs him. Others say, nobody needs you because you’re a crook.

“It’s one of Africa’s most corrupt countries. Kenyatta’s nephew and fiancée were both killed by the terrorists at the mall.

“This summer, the nephew and fiancée were in Lamu on the coast. She said: ‘I fancy some Champagne right now.’ In an hour, a private plane arrived on an airstrip in the resort with 16 bottles of Champagne at a cost of $35,000.

“Worry is that this is an ongoing live situation.

“Ray Kelly’s in touch personally and constantly. The NYPD is on the scene. Two of his officers are here as observers.”

I asked Kelly about this, and he confirmed it.

Well before this tragedy, I myself was in Nairobi. Even in peaceable time, the city was dangerous and I did not feel safe.